Halloween Review
I'm pleased to report (following posts from residents) that Halloween passed off well on the whole. Many children had a good time trick or treating and the various households accepting visitors also faired well. I was particularly happy to see the community coming together when reports of a 10 year old boy going missing led to residents rallying around trying to find him and make sure he was safe. Fortunately, he was found safe and well fairly quickly. This is precisely the sort of community spirit that I like to see, so well done all.
However, there have to be a few who have to sully things for the rest of us. I've received a number of reports of houses being egged and items being stolen from front gardens and doorsteps. These incidents are being followed up and appropriate action will be taken where necessary so that next year, we can do everything we can to make sure that all residents (whether partaking in Halloween or not) can enjoy their evening.
If you had any problems that come us as a result of Halloween, please could you email details to godintonwatch@gmail.com so they can be looked into.