Garden Security
There have been a couple of incidents reported to us of uninvited ‘guests’ in back gardens. Please find below a range of simple steps that you can take to help prevent this happening:
Firstly, if your back garden has an access gate, keep it padlocked.
Next, take a look at your garden boundary. Dense hedges with thorns are seriously nasty to push through or climb over. Thorny bushes include blackthorn, hawthorn, berberis, holly, pyracantha and gorse.
Make fences harder to climb over by attaching trellis to the top, which won’t hold an intruder’s weight. Use trellis that’s at least 30cm deep and as an extra deterrent grow thorny climbing roses up the fence.
Keep front-garden hedges and fences low – 1m is ideal – so that intruders can’t hide behind them.
Use gravel for paths and driveways – it’s impossible to sneak about quietly on a gravel path.
Consider installing CCTV – look for systems you can monitor from your mobile.
Motion-sensitive lighting can deter intruders.
Keep valuable plants and ornaments secure. Mark valuable planters, urns and statues with your postcode – use a UV pen, paint or even engrave it, on the base, under the rim or somewhere inconspicuous.