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Monthly Newsletter - July 2019

Since the start of the school holidays, Police Community Support Officers have been involved in an operation with regards to nuisance youths. Traditionally the school summer holidays have been a busy period for Kent Police when it comes to youths - calls are made to us as a result of some of them causing a nuisance. The aim of this operation is to conduct pro-active patrolling during the school summer holidays. Therefore, if you experienced nuisance behaviour then please call us on 101.

Locally, I have been continuing to show a presence in all areas, both on foot and in a police vehicle, engaging with members of the community.


Thefts from Motor Vehicles – In the Repton area, we have had a couple of reports of items being stolen from vehicles. We have also had a report of a male trying the door handles of vehicles. Please ensure your vehicles are secure, even if you are leaving it for a brief moment, and that there is nothing on display. Also make sure that you lock your vehicle at night.

Anti-Social Behaviour – There has been a report made to us with regards to nuisance youths in the Godinton area. If you experience any anti-social behaviour being caused by youths then please report it to us on 101 as it is happening. As explained above, we are currently running an operation to help combat and disrupt any of this type of anti-social behaviour.

Suspicious Male – We have had a report in the Godinton area of a male acting suspiciously. Should you witness any dubious behaviour, or anything you are not comfortable with, then please contact us on 101.

Should you like any further advice then please visit the Kent Police website at


Nuisance Vehicles – During the month, I have been involved in an operation with other Police Community Support Officers to target nuisance mopeds and motorbikes. During this time a number of warnings were issues to those who were seen to be driving recklessly. As this is one of our priorities, I would encourage you to report any irresponsible driving of mopeds or motorbikes to us on 101, ideally as it is taking place. We can then deal with as appropriate.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service Open Day - On 20th July, 2019, I attended the Kent Fire and Rescue Open Day at Ashford Fire Station with one of my colleagues. The Open Day was all about raising awareness of fire and road safety. We were there with our Police Ranger vehicle which was a great hit with the children. It was fantastic to see so many families there.

Please find below information regarding the Ashford Mediation Service (AMS). This is a charity that support Kent Police but work independently.

Ashford Mediation Service - helping people talk about and solve their problems and disputes

AMS is a charity that helps people across the Ashford Borough Council area with neighbourhood, family and intergenerational disputes; offering mediation services in the local community with the help of trained volunteer mediators. These services provide a way of enabling people to talk about problems and reach solutions, with the mediators listening, supporting and guiding them.

There are quite a variety of problems that the service can help deal with, such as:

· Noisy neighbours

· Children’s behaviour

· Pets’ behaviour

· Parking disputes

· Boundary disputes/shared driveways

· Harassment/Abusive behaviour

Early engagement of AMS when an issue arises is key to securing early solutions and preventing problems deteriorating to more damaging levels. As they deteriorate they can often spread beyond the individuals originally involved to their extended families and friends, and affecting other neighbours and the wider community. More extreme cases can turn from civil/community issues into criminal ones, an outcome that everyone wants to avoid.

Should you wish to contact AMS then please find below their details:

Ashford Mediation Service,

Ashford Police Station,

Tufton Street, Ashford TN23 1BT

Tel: 01233 896237

Mob: 07845 914838




Call 999 if a crime is in progress or life is in danger.

Call 101 to report a non-urgent crime or if you wish to speak to me – my force number is 59869.

If you're deaf or hard of hearing you can text 'Police' followed by your message to 60066.

Please also visit the Kent Police website which provides other details of other ways of contacting us.

Kind regards,

Catherine Stevens PCSO 46059869

Community Safety Unit

Ashford Police Station

East Division

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