Monthly Newsletter - June 2019
This month, Police Community Support Officers have been involved with the ‘Safety in Action’ event that is held at Ashford fire Station.
‘Safety in Action’ is an interactive event for all Ashford’s Year 6 children to learn about some of the dangers they may face as they become more independent and prepare for transition to secondary school. It is supported by many organisations including Kent Police, British Transport Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Service, RNLI, Ashford Borough Council and Kent County Council.
Information is provided to the children about a variety of topics which include:
Fire Safety
Water Safety
Rail Safety
Online Safety
Personal Safety, and
Anti-Social Behaviour.
‘Safety in Action’ is always well received by the school children and even the adults, who accompany them, seem to leave the event knowing a little bit more!
I also attended Godinton School Summer Fete that was held on 22nd June. It was great to see so many families and friends having such a lovely time and enjoying the sunny weather whilst supporting the school.
Locally, I have been continuing to show a presence in all areas, both on foot and in a police vehicle, engaging with members of the community.
Catapults – These remain an issue in the area. Please can I urge you to report any catapult incidents to us immediately. I would like to reassure you that this is very much a priority with Kent Police. In fact, this is one of the topics discussed with the Year 6 children at the ‘Safety in Action’ event (as mentioned above.)
Nuisance vehicles – In the Repton Park, there have been reports of a vehicles driving around recklessly. If you do witness any reckless driving, please take down the number plate, if it has one and if it is safe to do so. Then report it to us so that we can deal with the driver. Our Community Safety Unit has issued a considerable number of ‘Section 59s’ warnings to ‘careless’ drivers and will continue to do so in order to prevent this anti-social behaviour. Nuisance vehicles still remains one of our top priorities.
Thefts from Motor Vehicles - We have had a report of items being stolen from a vehicle. Please ensure your vehicles are secure and that there is nothing on display that could make a thief want to break into your vehicle.
REMEMBER - Thieves will take an opportunity if they see one, no matter where it is.
Anti-Social Behaviour – There has been a number of reports made to us with regards to nuisance youths in the area. If you experience any anti-social behaviour being caused by youths then please report it to Kent Police. If the youths are identified and are known for persistently causing issues then our Joint Family Management Programme Officer can intervene and issue agreements. These agreements lay out our expectations of behaviour. If these agreements are breeched then more serious action can be taken.
Out and About
For whatever reason, most of us find ourselves walking alone at night at some point. Please find below a number of tips to help keep you safe:
Please be aware of what is going on around you - keep observing your surroundings.
Be aware of anyone walking in your vicinity and pay special attention to individuals who change their behaviour upon spotting you.
You should choose to walk in the most populated areas as it’s much safer than secluded areas. Use residential streets and areas, even if this means you have to walk for longer periods of time without using shortcuts.
Stay where there are other people and traffic whenever possible. If it is necessary to walk at night then choose well-lit up routes.
Carry a charged mobile phone and some cash, and tell someone where you’re going. Also let them know you estimated time of arrival.
Remember - there is safety in numbers.
Rogue Traders – We have had a couple reports of individuals offering services on the doorstep in the Ashford area. These traders will knock on the door, saying they are working in the area, and will point out something like a loose tile on the person's roof or offer to assist with jobs such as gardening. They usually have little or no means of identification, and go on to defraud their victims. They grossly over charge and then may come back again and again, taking more money each time. They may even charge without completing the work.
The victims of rogue traders are often vulnerable, elderly and/or isolated people who know nothing of these scams and so are trusting of anyone who is friendly or seems knowledgeable and genuine. After they have become a victim, they often feel humiliated and/or scared and so don't tell anyone. This not only means the original scam goes unreported but it also makes it easy for the rogue trader to return for more.
Should you become a victim of this type of scam, please report it to Kent Police. Never feel ashamed or scared as we are here to help you.
Should you like any further advice then please visit the Kent Police website at
Work to upgrade Ashford Police Station has now started. As part of the first phase of the improvement scheme, the existing concrete ramp and balcony are in the process of being demolished. A temporary reception area has been opened in Church Road for those who wish to visit the station.
Call 999 if a crime is in progress or life is in danger.
Call 101 to report a non-urgent crime or if you wish to speak to me – my force number is 59869.
If you're deaf or hard of hearing you can text 'Police' followed by your message to 60066.
Please also visit the Kent Police website which provides other details of other ways of contacting us.
Kind regards,
Catherine Stevens PCSO 46059869
Community Safety Unit
Ashford Police Station
East Division