Operation Castle
Operation Castle - The seasonal anti-burglary campaign runs from 31st October 2016 until 13 January 2017. We'll be posting and tweeting messages on our social media channels to help keep Kent safe during the winter months and we would be very grateful if you could follow us and share our messages. Parish Councils have been sent some posters to display locally, these are also available on the Kent Police website.
Kent Against Burglary
Most of us lock our homes before going out or going to bed, but do you also:
. use timer switches on lights and radios to make it look like you're home?
. store car keys and cash/handbags somewhere safe and out of sight?
. security-mark and photograph important items to help identify them if needed?
. use a safe to store gold jewellery - or better still, a safety deposit box at your bank?
Burglars will seek out an opportunity if they can. Let's work together to limit their chances. For more tips to keep your home and important items safe, visit www.kent.police.uk/burglary, find us on Facebook or follow @kent_police on Twitter.